The Blood Donation Process

When it’s time to donate, here’s what will happen: You’ll go into a donor room where you’ll lie down on a cot. A phlebotomist (an employee who draws blood) will clean your arm and insert a new, sterile needle into your vein. This takes just a few seconds, and it can feel like a quick pinch. You’ll donate about 1 pint (one unit) of blood. The process should take less than 10 minutes. But if you’re donating platelets, red cells, or plasma by apheresis, the process can take much longer: up to 2 hours. When you’re done, you’ll raise your donation arm and put a little bit of pressure on it, which helps your blood clot. Then they’ll put an adhesive strip on your arm.

Donating Hours

Monday - Saturday 8:00 AM - 9:00 PM IST

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Some more things about

Health History

You’ll answer a few questions about your health history and places you’ve traveled, during a private and confidential interview. We’ll check your temperature, pulse, blood pressure and hemoglobin level.

Your Donation

A whole blood donation takes about 8-10 minutes, during which you’ll be seated comfortably or lying down.

Refreshment and Recovery

You’ll leave after 10-15 minutes and continue your normal routine. Enjoy the feeling of accomplishment knowing you are helping to save lives.

Save Lives

You should know that Hospitals everywhere always need donated blood. In fact, each year blood transfusions help save 4.5 million lives.

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